Leave SSH command running after disconnecting

ssh remote-computer
nohup ./long-running-command &

Infinite number of email-adresses from one Gmail address

Gmail addresses doesn’t care about periods, so emails to herman@gmail.com and h.e.r.m.a.n@gmail.com will arrive to the same recipient’s mailbox. Most sites where you register your email address does care, however. This trick is particularly useful for web stores where you get a one-time promotional code after registering, without needing to use a 10 min mail thing.

The one Taylor expansion to remember

\[ (1 + x)^n \simeq 1 + nx \]

Propagating errors with matrix methods

Matrix methods for error propagation

Git cheat sheet

Three stages of git (like a three-stage rocket): 1. Working area 2. Staging area 3. Commited changes

Initialize repository

cd folder/to/track/
git init

Stage changes

git add         file/to/stage # stage  all changes in file
git add --patch file/to/stage # stage some changes in file
git add folder/to/stage/      # stage folder
git add --patch               # stage some changes in already tracked files

Unstage changes

git reset                 # unstage all staged changes (leaving working directory
git reset file/to/unstage # unstage all staged changes in file

Commit staged changes

git commit -m "Summary of changes" # new commit
git commit --amend                 # append to previous commit



Track, pull from and push to remote repository

git remote --verbose                  # list connections between local repo and remote repo
git remote add remote_name remote_url # connect local repo with remote repo

git pull remote_name branch_name      # download and merge changes on       a branch from   a remote repo
git pull remote_name                  # download and merge changes on current branch from   a remote repo
git pull                              # download and merge changes on current branch from the remote repo

git push remote_name branch_name      #   upload           changes on       a branch   to   a remote repo
git push remote_name                  #   upload           changes on current branch   to   a remote repo
git push                              #   upload           changes on current branch   to the remote repo

Modify last commit

git add change1 change2 ...
git commit --amend

Modify previous (not last) commit

git add change1 change2 ...
git commit --fixup=OLDCOMMIT
git rebase --interactive --autosquash OLDCOMMIT~

GitHub personal access token authentication

I always forget how to do this shit:

$ git push
Username: ghp_...